
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

16 April 2017

I AM THE RESURRECTION by Teresa S. Mathews


Jesus cried “It is finished” the Son of GOD was gone.
Satan shouted out in glee; he thought that he had won!

They took Jesus' broken body and placed it in a tomb,
His family, his friends, his disciples, all were filled with gloom.

As hell was rejoicing, loudly celebrating Jesus death,
There was a sound that was heard that made them hold their breath.

Down the corridor of hell walked a man bright as day,
He was coming to claim the keys of death and take it's power away!

Death, hell and the grave had to bow to His decree,
"Every Saint held captive here is coming home with me!"

When Sunday morning began to dawn with the brightness of the day,
The angels descended and rolled the stone away!

The One who freely gave His life so that we might be saved,
Was the One that triumphed over death, hell and the grave.

The One who made the promise, "In three days I will Arise"
Is now the One Proclaimed THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!

© Teresa S. Mathews 2017 

 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die... JOHN 11:25-26

Easter Blessings from Carrie, Bonnie and Teresa

27 March 2016

Resurrection by Teresa S. Mathews

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said...
Matthew 28:6


The first day of the week broke with Heaven’s glorious light.       
Looking at the beauty you would never know there had been a fight.
Three days before, GOD’s Son, Jesus, had been killed.
Crucified upon a cross, on Golgotha’s horrid hill.

All the powers of evil thought that they had won.
They knew they had succeeded in destroying GOD’s only Son.

Never again would He show His Father’s love for fallen man.
They were so proud they had finally stopped Salvation’s plan.
Oh, but when JESUS showed up knocking at death’s door, 
All hell began to tremble, death had lost its power forever more!
Jesus was the victor, over death, hell and the grave. 
He was the final sacrifice for mankind to be saved.
The words He spoke are still the same as they were back then:  
“I AM the Resurrection and the Life, believe on me and you shall live again!”

© Teresa S Mathews 2016

…I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, 
though he were dead, yet shall he live: 
John 11:25

30 March 2013

The Real Meaning of Easter by Teresa Mathews

The Real Meaning of Easter

Easter Bunnies, cute and white, 
aren't they such a precious sight?

Pretty eggs and yummy candy, 
makes your Easter great and dandy

Beautiful flowers, in bouquets bright, 
all this makes your heart delight.

But wait you say… something’s just not right. 
Why must we drag an old rugged cross in sight?

Do we have to talk about a man beaten black and blue?  
Are you sure he died for me? For you?

It’s not so cute and it’s sure not sweet, 
to talk about the nails in His hands and feet.

The Son of God with thorns for a crown, 
His precious blood flowing on the ground

He gave His life for all our sins? 
Come now, don’t repeat THAT again!

If this old story were really true, 
if God gave His son for me and you,

Things on this earth would never be the same.
People everywhere would be filled with shame.

Running to the cross, laying down their sin, 
asking for His forgiveness, asking Him to come in.

Isn't that the real reason for this beautiful day?
Remembering a Risen Savior who washed our sins away?

 © Teresa S Mathews 04/14/12

He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6

*Image courtesy of chainat at
**Image courtesy of bela_kiefer at

08 April 2012

Mary's Lament, an Easter Poem by Teresa Mathews

Mary’s Lament
How can I ever forget this sight?
The horror, the pain, the agony
This is all too much for me.

Dear God how can it be?
My first born Son
He has always been the *Special One*

He was always perfect in every way.
My beautiful son
Your "Only Begotten One".

This pain within my heart cries out.
How will I ever bear this loss?
My son, Your Only One upon a cross.

I knew my son had to die.
I knew this day had to come
But how can I bear to lose my son?
The perfect Son of God.
Can this be the only way,
Does He really have to die to take our sins away?

My God as before when I bore your Son
I put my trust in you
Now I do the same and know, I’ll somehow make it through.

*Father, forgive them for they know not what they do*
Those words I heard my Son say.
God give me the strength to say the same today.

As I watch my Son draw his last breath.
I pray I’ll see Him soon
He said he’d only be three days in that cold dark tomb.
The first day of the week has come at last.
Here comes Mary Magdalene and on her face such joy
Could she have good news about my precious boy?

She says that He has Risen.
Thank You God it did come true
He’s now not just my son but the world’s *RISEN SAVIOUR* too!
© Teresa S Mathews

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