
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

27 March 2016

Resurrection by Teresa S. Mathews

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said...
Matthew 28:6


The first day of the week broke with Heaven’s glorious light.       
Looking at the beauty you would never know there had been a fight.
Three days before, GOD’s Son, Jesus, had been killed.
Crucified upon a cross, on Golgotha’s horrid hill.

All the powers of evil thought that they had won.
They knew they had succeeded in destroying GOD’s only Son.

Never again would He show His Father’s love for fallen man.
They were so proud they had finally stopped Salvation’s plan.
Oh, but when JESUS showed up knocking at death’s door, 
All hell began to tremble, death had lost its power forever more!
Jesus was the victor, over death, hell and the grave. 
He was the final sacrifice for mankind to be saved.
The words He spoke are still the same as they were back then:  
“I AM the Resurrection and the Life, believe on me and you shall live again!”

© Teresa S Mathews 2016

…I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, 
though he were dead, yet shall he live: 
John 11:25

24 December 2012



Two thousand years ago in Bethlehem was born a tiny boy
Heralded by the angels, to the world he brought joy.

Peace on Earth, Good will to men the angels did proclaim,
God sent His son to earth and Jesus is His name.

He’s precious and he’s sweet, a gentle little boy,
He’s God’s only son and his mother’s pride and joy

Can this little baby be the King of Kings that was foretold?
Is why the Wise men came, to bring him gifts and gold?

They’d heard the prophecy proclaim a mighty King would come,
But who have thought this little babe would be God’s Son?

Why would God love us enough to send His only Son?
How could our salvation be by this little baby won?

This same little child that in a manger lay,
Will one day be the one that takes our sin away?

He’ll give up His life like no other man
Just to fulfill His Father’s salvation plan.

This child that came so humble and sweet,
Will have nails placed in His hands and feet.

He’ll die on the cross for you and for me,
His blood will be shed so we can be free.

He’ll rise from the dead to forever live again
This little babe that can forgive our sin.

He came as a baby, He died as a man
He’ll return as King of Kings when he comes again!

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Mighty one is He.
He came to earth to live and die just for you and me.
© Teresa Mathews 12/22/12

Wise Men Still Seek Him

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