
11 June 2019

Empty Nests & New Release!

When we returned from Europe recently, we soon found that a mother Robin had made a nest atop our front entryway light! An unconventional place for our yard (we have lots of nests in various huge mature trees we have in our yard) and I wasn't real happy with mama bird!
She had already deposited three beautiful blue eggs into her nest. I gave a big sigh and told my husband. We ordinarily go out the back of our house. Now going out our own front door was an issue because it scared mama bird off the nest. Another big sigh.
And if I accidentally came out the front door they started squawking as if I was mama bird and gonna give them some yummy worms to eat. Ummmm, not!!! The one on the right always had his or her little beak open when I accidentally exited through my very own front door.
Then I got this rather sweet sigh-worthy shot! The baby robins were maturing! They were getting ready to fly on their own! This was so cool!  Meanwhile, I had my very own book baby trying to make its way finally into the world.

Mercy in a Red Cloak is a story I worked on for almost a decade. Unlike these robins, the hatched notion for my baby took a long time from egg to flight! I feel like my hero, Shadrach Clark, has finally flown off on his own!

Then, one day recently when I took a picture of the nest with my iPhone, look what I found! The nest was empty! I told my husband. Shortly thereafter, my own book baby took flight off to Kindle world. I don't know where the robins are, but I do know that my story is now out there ready to fly all over the world!
Giveaway: A Kindle copy of Mercy in a Red Cloak to one of my readers. Answer this question: Have you had a transition or a nest that has emptied recently? What kind of situation was it?

02 June 2019

Changes are in God's Hands -- and Reflect His Plans

Cameo Courtships from Barbour Publishing June 2019
You might be wondering what this cover form Cameo Courtships, by Susanne Dietze, Debra E. Marvin, Jennifer Uhlarik, and Kathleen Y'Barbo has to do with my topic of change. You see, this collection was originally pitched in a proposal that included me and several other authors. Barbour Publishing had been putting out amazing, and great value, collections with seven to nine novellas in each one. I've been in some of those collections, myself, and was blessed by it. You can imagine how expensive it must be to print those large (over 400 good-sized pages) with the beautiful deckle edges they had on them. Then things were changed up and the new collections were determined to have only four authors in them. So the leads for each proposal had to make adjustments. In this case, lovely Susie Dietze had to figure out how to go forward. This was not the only proposal that I was part of where the lead had to make corrections. I volunteered out of another, which will be published later this year. And I had one of my own (Lessons on Love) which will be published in October with three other authors including the fabulous Rita-finalist Susanne Dietze, who was the lead on the Cameo Courtship collection.

Change in life is inevitable, isn't it? Right now one of my author friends and I are working with four different possible proposals, multiple authors. We've already had two authors opt out of one of the collection ideas and another author join us. One thing that hasn't changed is that all of the authors serve God and all write for His glory. And that's what matters. Change will happen, but it's all in God's hands. We don't always like the changes that life brings, but when we trust God's provision, we'll be headed in the right direction.

Giveaway: I'm giving away a copy of this beautiful new release -- Cameo Courtship. Answer this question to enter: Are you surprised by changes or are you more likely to keep rolling on?

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