
25 December 2013

The Christmas Spirit by Teresa S. Mathews


I was reading an article the other day that asked the question, "What gets you in the Christmas Spirit?" Well, I personally love listening to Christmas music, everything from Away in a Manger to Rudolph to Santa Baby to Blue Christmas. If I had to choose a favorite I think it would be "Mary Did You Know?"

To me it's one of the most thought provoking songs. I was thinking about it, and I started wondering about Mary. We know she was a precious young girl because of all the girls in the world, she was chosen to be the Mother of God's son. Mary was probably very quiet and obedient as a child; somehow I have a hard time picturing Mary's mom having to yell at her to finish her chores. So when the angel appeared to her and explained what was going to happen to her, she humbly said "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." Luke 1:38

When I stop to think about Mary, I can't help but wonder if she fully understood who her Son was and what He was to do for all mankind? As she loved and cared for her baby, I wonder how many times she thought this is the Son of GOD? Did she ever doubt what the angel told her?

Then I love to think about Jesus as a child...was He a typical little boy? Did He love to run and play and yell like my sons did? Did He fall and get ouchies? I like to think He was the child that always looked out for the younger children, was always quick to answer when Mom or Joseph called, and He never caused problems. Well, there was that one time Mary thought He was lost and then she found him teaching in the temple.  :-)

I've also wondered if Mary fully understood beforehand what Jesus would have to go through. Did God let her know ahead of time what was coming? I know that either way He gave her the peace that she needed to endure seeing her precious first born son being abused, beaten and hung on a cross like a common criminal. Mary's little boy, the son of GOD came to earth not to be forever known as the sweet little baby lying in a manger but the man who freely gave up His life for a sinful world, the one who arose from the dead and is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. He is now and will forever be known as THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS! Now thinking about THAT really gets me in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!!

Merry Christmas from the Overcoming With God Ladies.
We love and appreciate each of you!

Carrie, Diana, Teresa, Marian and Noela!


  1. This such a lovely post---perfect for Christmas day, TERESA. For even though it has become a cliché to some people--He truly is the reason for the season!

    1. DIANA thank you and you are so right without Jesus there would be no CHRISTmas!

  2. Thanks so much, Teresa! I can only imagine what Mary must have struggled with to be a simple young girl and have an angel share what was to come! I get Holy Spirit bumps from it!!!

  3. CARRIE you are right, it had to have been very scary for her. I can't imagine what it was like.

  4. Thank you for writing this TERESA, it was wonderful to read and to think about.. Isn't it amazing to think about the King of Kings getting ouchies, but I imagined he did so that He knew what it would be like for us. And now He is up in Heaven at the right hand side of God interceding for us!!


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