
14 April 2012

Salvation as Fundamental Plus 2 Links to "Fairer Than Morning" Posts

Rosslyn Eliott shared in her interview on Tuesday that her most difficult trial was walking in unbelief. On this blog, we focus on how God has help us overcome (or is helping us now to overcome!) Fundamental to that process is being in relationship with Christ and accepting Him as Lord. Having turned my back on my faith, I too experienced the desolation that comes from living apart from God. I am so grateful He never abandoned me. Yet I brought much misery upon myself during that time. Like Rosslyn, I see that as one of the toughest things I have gone through, yet it was of my own making!  I could have run to my Father's arms and found hope.

John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, will you do so today?  And if you have turned from God, will you return your life to His care?

Here is a great post at Christian Bookmobile that has an interview with Laurel-award winning author Rosslyn Elliott, our guest this week (click here.)  And there are excerpts from BOTH books.  After reading them, I HAVE to read Rosslyn's books, because the samples were AWESOME!!!  Love her voice!

Diana reviewed Fairer Than Morning on our blog earlier (click here.) I always love Diana's reviews and she makes me want to buy EVERY book she recommends.  I bought it but couldn't find it on my Kindle.  Finally went in and it has been sent to my newest Kindle (my first one blew its screen, then we got a Kindle Fire for our son, and Amazon replaced my broken Kindle so it is officially Kindle3 in my profile!).  With the combo Teresa-Diana attack I also went to NetGalley and have a copy of Sweeter than Birdsong and both ready to read.

Giveaway:  Our giveaway will be announced here.


  1. Thank you for the reminder to each of us of how important it is to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. I cannot imagine my life without HIM. I was a child of five when I asked Him to come into my life, and through the years there have been short times of straying but HE never left me. As that beautiful song from a few years ago says "HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME".

  2. Thank you for sharing that with us, Carrie. It was very touching, and I pray that someone, just like the Prodigal Son, will come back home to their Father today....or receive the free gift of salvation. It was already bought and paid for on the cross, all you have to do is accept it!

  3. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing!

  4. TERESA, One of the amazing things that God gave to me, via a human angel lol, when I cam back to Him, was that Footsteps poem - about there only being one set of footsteps on the beach for a while and it was when Christ was carrying the person. I love that!

  5. DIANA, I pray that someone will receive Christ or reunite with Him today as a result of this blog. That would be awesome! I am glad God has given us this opportunity to minister to others!

  6. CARRIE, I have carried that poem on a card in my wallet since I was in Sunday school. It's so beautiful. It has helped me many times through difficult periods in my life.

  7. Carrie, it's funny how that shared experience of losing faith for a time in one's life can give you a unique shared understanding with another person who has gone through the same thing. I think you are going to like some of the scenes in Fairer than Morning that depict what it feels like to have faith return. :-)

    Carrie, Teresa, Marian, and Diana, thanks for all your work on this blog! I love your community here...drawing people together is what books should be all about.

  8. MARIAN I had a card like that. Given. To me after an accident I survived.

  9. Rosslyn we are so blessed. Weekends are quiet reflective times here usually. Yes when faith returns _ wow! We have. Been glad to have you with us!

  10. ROSSLYN, can you tell we love what we do here? :) It's more than just a blog about books, it's one of our ministries, and God has surely blessed us. We have so loved having you here with us this week; hope we didn't work your socks off! You are such a fine author and a gracious lady. May God bless all of your future writing endeavors!

  11. ERIN SHEPHERD, CONGRATS! You are the winner this week! Which version of Rosslyn's books Fairer Than Morning do you want? I saw you
    reviewed Sweeter than Birdsong on GoodReads. Checked out your blog, which was very pretty!

    BTW, Diana, Marian, Teresa, and Rosslyn - Erin left only a one word comment, lol! She did a nice review of StB on GoodReads. liked her!

  12. Congrats Erin! That must have been a powerful word. :)

  13. You mean I don't have to write a paragraph on these other blogs to win a book? I can save alot of time by writing one powerful word!Hmmm... LOL!

    Congrats, ERIN. Happy Reading!

  14. DIANA, yeah, if they use, you could just write "cool" on there, lol!

  15. MARIAN, I personally prefer the word "wow" or "wowzer" but "awesome" is another favorite!!!

  16. Fairer Than Morning... pick me, pick me, please


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