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Karen Witemeyer |
Karen Witemeyer is the author of Short-Straw Bride and three other
award-winning, inspirational historical romance novels.
welcome to Overcoming Through Time – With God’s Help. We appreciate your willingness to share your
testimony of overcoming with our readers.
you tell us about the most difficult thing in your life you have had to
overcome, with God’s help?
If I had to point to one event or circumstance, I
would have to say that losing my father when I was sixteen was the most
difficult thing I've ever had to overcome. My daddy was my hero. He taught me
to drive, to calculate algebraic equations, to give my best to whatever task I was
called to complete. He was my spiritual mentor and the man I used to sing hymns
with on Sunday mornings as we got ready for church. He teased me, tickled me,
and could reduce me to tears simply by raising a single, censorious eyebrow. It
is because of his influence that I am person I am.
In 1987, my daddy contracted a rare virus that
attacked his heart. In two weeks, he was gone. His loss devastated our family.
My mother sank into grief and depression. My younger brother began acting out.
And me? Well, as the oldest, I tried to fill my daddy's shoes. An impossible
task. However, my young faith solidified during this time of trial. I had
prayed fervently for the Lord to make my father well, but when he didn't grant
my request, I learned that a God who says no
can still love fiercely and strengthen those who lean on him in their times of
sorrow and pain. I didn't experience the same level of grief that others in my
family did. I became the family's anchor, instead. The Lord held my heart
together, not allowing it to break, so that I could be the glue that held the
rest of the family together.
I still miss my daddy, and still rely on God's daily
provision to keep grief at bay. My father wasn't there for my high school and
college graduations. He wasn't there to walk me down the aisle at my wedding or
to hold each of his precious three grandchildren when they were born. He will
never hold one of my novels, and I'll never again get to hear him say that he
is proud of me. But just as his influence in my youth shaped my personality and
values, his loss and the Lord's subsequent faithfulness shaped my faith and
gave me the power to endure.
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Head in the Clouds |
is your favorite bible verse and why?
I have two that keep me going through the writing
The one that keeps me going in the middle of a
project is: He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
until the day of Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 1:6
The one I keep on my desk to remind me that writing is a ministry and not about the prestige or praise is: Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. ~Psalm 115:1
The one I keep on my desk to remind me that writing is a ministry and not about the prestige or praise is: Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. ~Psalm 115:1
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To Win Her Heart |
friendliness: Is this latest release available in audio format or do you have
any other works available on audio? Do
your e-books have audio capability? Do you have any in large print?
Yes, all four of my books are available in audio
format. My older titles are available in large print editions, and Short-Straw
Bride should be available in that format as well in the near future.
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A Tailor-Made Bride |
has been the most important thing you hope your readers will get from your
books and why?
I want my readers to be entertained, to get lost in
the pages of a great story, but that isn't my highest goal. The most important
thing to me is that they find nuggets of God's truth embedded in the
stories—truth that resonates with their souls and help them mature as
believers. This is why my characters tend to be mature believers themselves.
Mature, yet like the rest of us, still flawed and still with much room to grow.
My wish is that my readers will be able to see themselves in these characters
and grow along with them.
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Short-Straw Bride |
this latest work, do you have any topics useful for bibliotherapy, or
therapeutic influence through reading about a disorder or situation?
One of the overarching themes in Short-Straw Bride, is that there is
power in community. When we've been hurt emotionally or physically, it is easy
to withdraw, to protect ourselves from further hurt by walling ourselves away
from others. However, when we do this, we also wall ourselves away from the
encouragement and joy that can be found in fellowship.
In my story, Travis Archer
must learn to tear down his physical barriers as well as his emotional ones. He
must surrender his control to God and trust others with burdens he's never
allowed anyone but himself to carry. It is a grueling journey requiring
vulnerability and trust, but in the end, the rewards of love and fellowship far
outweigh the hardship of the struggle.
Thank you, Karen for agreeing to answer these
questions. Have a blessed day and keep
on writing!!
Karen Witemeyer's books can be purchased at Amazon, CBD, B & N, Lifeway and other Christian book stores.
Karen Witemeyer's books can be purchased at Amazon, CBD, B & N, Lifeway and other Christian book stores.
GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment and your email to be entered
in this week’s contest. Drawing will be
late Saturday. Your choice of any of Karen's books, choice of format*.
Additional giveaways: Karen has a signed paperback copy of Short Straw Bride for an American winner. Carrie has an ebook* or paperback copy of any of Karen's books for our 200th Follower on OTT-WGH! *International winners will only receive the book in ebook format not as a paperback. Void where prohibited by law.
Additional giveaways: Karen has a signed paperback copy of Short Straw Bride for an American winner. Carrie has an ebook* or paperback copy of any of Karen's books for our 200th Follower on OTT-WGH! *International winners will only receive the book in ebook format not as a paperback. Void where prohibited by law.
I love her books. The only one I haven't Read is To Win Her Heart. Would love to win it!!
Hi, the last book I read of Karen's was the Shortstraw Bride and loved the story, I do like the comments that have to do with God and Bible verses, it makes me feel the characters are Christian and brings depth to the story. I would love to win another one of her books and read me some more Karen Witemeyer.
ReplyDeletethanks Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)
KAREN, thank you for being with us this week on Overcoming Through Time-With God's Help. I'm so sorry to learn about your father's passing, but am awed by God's faithfulness to you during that time. I went through a similar experience with my mom when she passed away recently--a supernatural strength that comes only from God! The Lord will "hold our hearts together" during those dark hours if we trust him. Your books are such a delight!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your testimony with us, KAREN. It's good to have you with us this week.
ReplyDeleteI love both of your favorite Bible verses!
MELISSA, I love Karen's books, too!!! I need to go check because I think she offered an extra giveaway that I failed to post!
ReplyDeletePAULA, that is Karen's latest book--just out in June, 2012. Maybe she can tell us what her next release will be.
ReplyDeleteYour a new author to me. I'm just getting to know the authors of the Amish novels , that I love so dear. Believe me when I tell you reading has made a big impact out of my life. I'm very busy making pins right now so my reading has been only a little. I would love to win, but I've been having a hard time entering . I haven't been to the library in wks, I must have renewed my books eight times already. Thank you for taking your valuable time to make others happy. Love Maggie
ReplyDeleteWould love to win a copy of one of her book .I know what it is like to lose a parent when they are still young and full of life .My Mother passed away in 2000 at the young age of 60 she got lung cancer from working in a school that had asbestos.And yes I still miss her today BUT God has bless me with a wonderful step mom who I call mom #2 .jashbk@earthlink.net
ReplyDeleteI've read To Win Her Heart and currently have Short-Straw Bride on my to-be-read stack! I love her humorous writing!!
KAREN, I am very sorry for your loss. Especially of a father who so clearly demonstrated his love for you. To have him go so quickly at such a young age had to have been like having the run pulled out from under your feet. The light beneath the shadow of your story is that your father was an amazing dad to you while you had him--and many kids don't get that from their father for even a day, much less sixteen years. And it sounds like you have really focused on that and incorporated his wonderful traits into your own personality and life. Thank you and God bless you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSO happy to see a favorite, favorite author here!
ReplyDeleteOh Karen, your story of losing your daddy almost sent me crying hard! My heart truly broke hearing about it...WOW! Seriously, thank God that He is - and was- in your life! God is good. Thank You Jesus, our Great Father!
Well, thank you for this post, ladies.
Please don't include me in the drawing because I happen to have read - and really liked- all of Karen's books! (I'm a fan!)Hope some new readers get the opportunity to enjoy the words of this talent and godly author.
God bless you Karen!
Many hugs and prayers,
What a blessings to check in this afternoon and find so many wonderful comments!
ReplyDeleteThank you to Carrie and Diana for inviting me here. I'm so inspired the stories found here.
Melissa - So glad to see you here! I'm so delighted that you have enjoyed my stories. We've got to find a way to get you Levi and Eden's story. :-)
ReplyDeletePaula - So glad you had fun with Travis and Meredith. Short-Straw was a fun one to write. And since Carrie hinted, I'll tell you that the Archer brothers aren't completely done yet. :-) Crockett's story, Stealing the Preacher, will be coming in 2013. Yay! I just wasn't ready to let those Archer men go yet. LOL
Diana and Dana - My heart aches for both of you with the loss of your mothers. It's never easy to say goodbye. Praise God for giving us his Comforter. I don't know how people survive without him.
ReplyDeleteMarian - Thanks for your blessing of encouragement!
Maggie - I know how disheartening it can be to not have the time to read. I pray your responsibilities will ease enough to give you that time soon.
Hi, Marissa - Thanks for the kind words. I hope you have lots of fun with those Archer brother when you get a chance to read Short-Straw. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteCarrie and Ganise - Thank you so much for your tender compassion!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, Carrie. I was blessed to have such a loving father and one who led me into a relationship with God. He made those 16 years count.
And Ganise, I so agree. God is good. Even when he says no. I am honored to me his child.
I would love to win.
DANA, that had to have been so hard. They really didn't know about asbestos back in the day--I remember my dad being so thrilled with the heat insulating properties of asbestos and displaying the new water heater wrap (asbestos) that he'd purchased. Cancer is a horrible disease and to think it was caused by something preventable has to be even harder to take. But they didn't know about the long term effects of asbestos decades ago.
ReplyDeleteANGELA, we'll enter you. If you come back, tell us what touched you about the interview, okay? Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of Karen's book. Please enter me for this contest.
ReplyDeleteThey all will be good I feel sure. Maxie ( mac262@me.com
MAXIE, what do you think about the interview? If you come back, please let me know. Karen has written many great books--all are great reads!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of Karen's books, yet, but they all sound wonderful! I would love a copy of Short Straw Bride. :-)
GWEN--what are you thinking?!!!! We have to remedy your problem!!! You will love her books!
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying, Karen!
ReplyDeleteI was also thinking this afternoon about how great it will be when we all make it Home. There we'll be able to see our loved ones and live eternally with our Beloved.
GANISE, I think you like the same authors we like here at OTT-WGH! I think about that, too, about when we go Home. Miss my mother. I imagine Karen wonders what it will be like for her father and her heavenly Father to great her there. With a "well done!" Blessings!
ReplyDeleteSo great to see Karen on here!! The very first Historical Romance author that I ever read... so it was thanks to your incredible stories Karen that I even travelled down this path! Before that I only ever read Christian fantasy/suspense. But I have been SO blessed and spiritually challenged since I began reading this genre, and have met the MOST amazing friends... including the lovely ladies from OTT! And it was so sweet and touching to read this interview Karen. Your dad sounds so wonderful and special. And it so shows in the person that you are. I lost my dad earlier this year, still missing him and his smiles..
ReplyDeleteI have loved all of Karen's books so far, just haven't read the most recent release! Would love ti win a copy of it.
NOELA, may God bring you peace in the midst of your loss of your father. Wow, so you haven't been reading Christian historical romance very long then! Hard to believe because your reviews are so good. Looking forward to you visiting with us as a guest soon!
ReplyDeleteHope to get read some of your books soon! Mom244jc@aol.com
ReplyDeleteGood morning, ladies! What a delight to see everyone as I open this blog today. Thank you so much for all the encouraging comments. I feel so blessed!
ReplyDeleteNoela - I was your first historical? That's so fun! I love luring readers over to the dark side. LOL. I hope you enjoy many years reading this genre. And my heart goes out to you over the loss of your father. I was certainly a Daddy's girl, and I know it is never easy to say goodbye. May the Comforter continue to minister to your spirit.
PATTY! So good to see you, here! I listened to this great book via an audible.com download. You will love it! I wonder now, about the father's death, and if Travis has quite a bit of KAREN in him? What say you, KAREN?
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! I have not read any of Karen's books, although I think I own A Tailor-Made Bride and I have REALLY been wanting to read Short-Straw Bride. I LOVE the covers of all your books Karen... they are very eye-catching! :) I am so sorry for your father's passing and the stress you endured, but thankful that our Heavenly Father never leaves us or forsakes us.
ReplyDeleteCarrie - Actually, Adelaide Proctor from Head in the Clouds was the character most similar to me in the loss of a father. She lost her father as a teenager, too. But I'm sure some of those same issues crept up in Travis's story. Especially the trying to fill Dad's shoes part. :-) I'm guilty of that for sure.
ReplyDeleteHi, Ladette! Thank you for your kind thoughts. You are so right about our Heavenly Father filling all those empty places in our hearts with his love. So amazing!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get a chance to enjoy one of my books soon! I've been so pleased by the covers. The Art Department at Bethany House is the best of the best!
SONYA, I checked out your blog and see you got started but stopped. What did you think about the experience? It looks pretty and I added as a follower. Thanks for coming by!
ReplyDeleteKAREN, When I was listening to SSB, I thought-wow, she really seems to understand Travis's commitment and sees the problem with him trying to carry the younger brothers. When my father had a stroke, when I was a teenager, both he and my mother became unavailable to my sister and I. She had only just become a teenager and I was very concerned for her. Like you and your hero, I found it a tough load to carry. That over-responsibility exacts a price.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story with us. I have the Short-Straw Bride and I am really looking forward to reading it! All of your books are so good that they keep nudging their way up to the top of my favorite list :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of your books but they all look so great! Would love to win
SAMANTHA, I am so glad KAREN agreed to share her testimony with us. You will love this newest story. Wonder what Karen is working on now. KAREN--what are you writing about or can't you say?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I've enjoyed your other books and would like this as well. They're also popular at our library.
ReplyDeleteI have all her books except Tailor-Made Bride. Love her writing and she is only getting better and better. :O)
ReplyDeleteestrella8888 at roadrunner dot com
Thank you for offering one of your books! My son passed away June 3, 2011, of a heart attack in the night. We were blessed to have spent the weekend over Memorial Day with him, planned 5 months earlier to go! God is awesome to hold our lives as only He can. I trust Him. Kathleen
ReplyDeleteKAREN sorry I didn't make it on here yesterday, Sundays are always very busy for me. My husband and I are the worship leaders at our church.
ReplyDeleteI wanted you to know that your testimony about your dad touched my heart. I'm so sorry you had to lose your Father at a young age. My dad passed away 16 years ago so I understand what you went through.
I also want to thank you for the beautiful gift of your writing you share with us. I have read all of your books and I hope you have a new one coming soon! :)
I love the interview!! I have all her books but Short-Straw Bride.
ReplyDeleteAmy C
campbellamyd at gmail dot com
KATHLEEN! I have missed seeing you around since I was out of state and then sick when I got back. I am so sorry about your son and pray God is bringing healing.Did he have a wife and children he left behind? What a blessing that you got that last weekend to enjoy him. Praying for you!
ReplyDeleteDEBBIE, you are a winning gal. Who knows, you might win this week!
ReplyDeleteNow we're talking! I love Karen's books - I even shared them with my 86 yr old day cause he complains about his western books being nasty.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've been so anxious to read Short Straw Bride! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Carrie - Yes, I can give you peek into the future. LOL. I had so much fun with those Archer brothers, I begged my editor to let me write another one's story. She finally relented. Hooray! Crockett's story, Stealing the Preacher will be coming out in 2013. :-)
ReplyDeleteSamantha and Diane - Thank you so much for the kind words. You have encouraged my heart today!
ReplyDeleteKathleen - My heart aches for you. It must be so hard to lose a child at any age. I remember my grandmother saying when my father died, that parents aren't supposed to outlive their children. Now that I'm a parent myself, I can't imagine losing one of my three precious children.
Teresa - I'm delighted that my stories have brought you joy. That is my prayer.
ReplyDeleteAnd Melody - Hooray for you for passing a clean western along. LOL Hopefully we've created a new fan!
Rosie and Debbie - So glad you gals dropped by. You are definitely in the running for the free book!
Thank you for sharing. You are such a gifted writer, I would love the chance to win.
ReplyDeletearieljo12 at hotmail dot com
Great interview! Karen, I can't imagine loosing my dad, especially at such a young age, but I'm so glad to see that God used it for his glory in the end.
ReplyDeletePlease don't enter me in the giveaway as I already own (and devoured) all of Karen's books! I can't wait for Stealing the Preacher!!!
I've read two of Karen's books (her last two) and really enjoyed them. I'd love to win a copy of Head in the Clouds; the cover reminds me so much of my daughter. She would often read as she walked.
Stealing the Preacher sounds like a great name for Crockett's story and I am looking forward to that. Do you have a month for release, KAREN?
ReplyDeleteKATHLEEN, my heart was saddened by hearing about the loss of your son. No one expects to outlive their children. Blessings to you, dear.
ReplyDeleteKAREN, I can't wait to read Crockett's story...love those Archer brothers! Also can't wait to see the cover since Short-Straw Bride's was so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of Karen's books yet. What a awesome interview. Enjoyed reading about Karen and her books defintely sound like ones that I want to read. Thank you for the opportunity!
LIZ, Thanks for leaving a comment and I'm with you--have read or listened to all of KAREN's books, but if there is a way to draw for her 2013 release I will throw your name into the drawing!
ReplyDeleteJO, you are missing out! Hope you get a chance to read KAREN's books soon!
ReplyDeleteI love...Karen's books. I would love to win the hard copy of Short Straw Bride so I could lets my
ReplyDeletegrand daughters read it also. Thank so much for the
drawing. I love ebooks and my Nook/i-pod. I use one at night and the Nook in the day.
A family in our church just went through something similar --their father died in a traffic accident. I can't even begin to imagine what that's like. Thank you so much for your openess, Mrs. Witemeyer. I've loved your first three books and can't wait to get my hands on "Show Straw Bride" soon!
I've read several awesome reviews of these books and haven't yet picked them up. My TBR pile is finally dwindling a bit, and these stories sound just plain fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing today about your loss and working your way through it. May God continue to bring healing to your family.
I'd love to get my name tossed in the hat for any of these books. Thanks!!!
I've read Short-straw Bride and Tailor-Made Bride. I LOVED them both! I'm so glad you're not done with the Archer Brothers!
ReplyDeleteJ.Grace - Thanks so much for your kind words. You are definitely in the drawing.
ReplyDeleteLiz and Pam - So nice to see you ladies here! I'm glad you're looking forward to Crockett's tale. I'm working on the rewrites now. Hopefully, it will be another fun one.
Carrie - Stealing the Preacher is set to be a June 2013 release, I believe.
ReplyDeleteDiana - I haven't seen the cover yet, but my editor did send me some pics from the shoot with the models. Crockett's preacher costume is just how I pictured it! And the handsome model playing him is not too hard on the eyes either. Ha!
Hi, Jo. I'd love to give you an excuse to read one of my books. :-) Glad you're in the drawing!
ReplyDeleteJan - I did the same thing with my 14 year-old daughter. I bribed her with autographed copies of my books to get her to read them, and now she's even writing fan fiction pieces to go along with my stories. Too cool!
Lady DragonKeeper - Those sudden deaths are the worst. No preparation. My dad's was very sudden as well, but at least I got the chance to visit the hospital and say goodbye. I'll be forever thankful for that moment even though my dad wasn't really aware of me being there.
ReplyDeleteEmily - I certainly can relate to TBR piles that are too tall to even dent. I have one myself. :-) I hope you get a chance to try out one of mine soon. Maybe you'll even win one!
ReplyDeleteHi, Carole. I'm thrilled my editor allowed me to write another Archer book. She usually tries to steer me away from series, but the Archer brothers have proved popular, so she gave me the green light. Hooray! I have to admit, I fell a bit in love with those rascals and was just dying to match-make for all of them. LOL So glad I got the chance.
KAREN, I am so glad your editor is letting you do a series. How wonderful! June is probably too far out to pre-order, but you never know. I have seen some like that--you could pre-order it FAR ahead.
ReplyDeleteWow, so many comments! I'm not surprised because Karen is a terrific writer and like so many others, I love her books. Anxious to read the newest one...
I am a big fan of Karen's books!! I love the idea of community in books. I belong to a lot of support groups because of having several diseases. The groups help cheer you up when you are sad, pray for you when you need it and celebrate joy.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this giveaway
CYNTHIA, We are so glad to have our visitors post comments! We love our followers! Speaking of which, we are trying to track down our 200th Follower so we can send her one of KAREN's books this week!
ReplyDeleteCAROL, We hope you will find encouragement for your journey here on OTT-WGH! Thanks for commenting and have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Karen could write a book that isn't spectacular! Since her first one, I have been a huge fan and after reading this interview I admire her even more for her strong faith and perseverance through difficult times. Thanks for a great post, Carrie!
ReplyDeleteCynthia and Anne - You ladies are fabulous! Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. I'm thrilled that you have enjoyed my books so well.
ReplyDeleteHi, Carol! I'm a big believer in God's desire for us to be in community with each other and with him. Even though I'm naturally introverted, I know how much I need my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as my physical family. I'm so thankful you've found those same ties in the groups you participate in. We were not created to be alone.
Thanks for the chance to read Karen's latest novel...
ReplyDeleteKaren...Your novels are fabulous :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Thanks, ANNE! Me, too on both comments! I am so grateful my father didn't die when he had a stroke when I was 16. But I lost the father I had before that time. He really worked hard to get back his functioning and I admired his determination.
ReplyDeleteCAROLE Towriss, great to see you here--and I SO enjoyed meeting you at the DC Metro group! Big hugs!
ReplyDeleteKAREN K, we enjoy having you visit with us so regularly-blessings to you!
I was so excited to watch the followers roll to the 200 mark when I joined. Yea! Maxie ( mac262@me.com )
ReplyDeleteThanks for this opportunity! I've read all Karen Witemeyer's books so far and LOVE them.
I'm happy to know that the books are available on audio. That helps me get more books-per-month!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your dad, Karen, and blessed to know it strengthened your faith rather than destroy it. I'm sure it was because of the grounding your father gave you with his faith..
MAXIE--CONGRATULATIONS on being our 200th Follower!!! You will receive your choice of Karen's books, choice of format!!! Many blessings and thanks for following us!!!
ReplyDeleteREBEKAH, I love your email name of bekaboobear!!! Did you know Karen was a school psychologist (I was , too!)
ReplyDeleteDEB, absolutely--I couldn't keep up without those Christian books that go to audio. And as writers it sure gets tricky keeping up with the comparables (plus the pure enjoyment factor, like Karen's books!)
ReplyDeleteKaren K - Thanks for your comments! I love seeing you pop up on my favorite blogs!
ReplyDeleteMaxie - Congrats on the win!!! Hope you love whichever book you pick.
Debra - Thanks so much for your compassion. You are so right, without that foundation of faith early on in my life, losing my dad could have really torn me up. Now that I have three children of my own, I'm very aware of the need to pass on that faith legacy.
Hi I would love to win one of these adorable books. They are charming appearing on the cover and hold a promise of a good, sweet read. godleyv at yahoo[dot]com
ReplyDeleteVERA, I don't think I would call Karen's writing style sweet, lol, but good--definitely! Great romance and lots of romantic tension in this particular story that just released.
ReplyDeleteCarrie, you ask me what I think of the interview. I enjoyed it very much. You did well with the questions. I love both of the scriptures she picked. If we let it, the scriptures will boost us whatever the problem. I love the titles of these4 books. The way she shapes the characters, like Travis.Seems things were tough on him. I'm so sorry to hear about Karen's loss of her dad. It's got to be rough losing him so quickly and at the age she was. I too felt the loss of my dad, but had him much longer, and, no we don't ever quit missing them. Sorry too about her mom and her depression. It's sad that this happens so many times. I had a friend who was so depressed when she lost her husband that she wasted the last 6 years of her life because she wouldn't get help. I'm glad that GOD has led her to writing great booksI love that she draws one into places where it shows the love of GOD in the lives of her characters And, love to be pulled into the story as if I am there. Keep up the good work Karen. I hope to read your books. Thanks Carrie and Karen. Maxie (mac262@me.com )
ReplyDeleteHey MAXIE! Thanks for coming back and sharing! And I am so glad you will soon be reading her work!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate what you had to say. Congrats again on being our 200th Follower!!!
I felt like crying when I read how Karen misses her father, not having him around to witness a myriad of milestones in her life. Thankful for God's provision and faithfulness that has helped her and continues to help her to endure :). Short-Straw Bride sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
jswaks at gmail dot com
JES, I cry often when I read these interviews from the authors we feature on OTT-WGH. DIANA is fond of saying that readers have no idea what many of the Christian authors have experienced themselves. But I believe God uses all that in their writing to bring glory to His name.
ReplyDeleteCynthia Lovely, You are the winner of a signed copy of Carol-award winner (Karen won for To Win her Heart--so exciting to watch that last night!!!) Karen Witemeyer's Short Straw Bride! Congrats!!! Check your email!