
10 March 2012

Carlton's Healing by Teresa Mathews - Overcoming Cancer

1999 is a year forever etched in our minds. In January I noticed a lump under my right jawbone that would pop out when I would chew. I went to visit my family doctor and was immediately sent for a scan. When the results came back I was sent to a Neurologist because they thought it was cancer that could have already invaded my skull.  She made me feel better because she told me it had not invaded my skull. Then she referred me to an ENT that specialized in facial cancer.

The ENT was a wonderful Christian doctor that assured me everything would be ok. He told me he did not think it was cancer and that it should not be a very invasive surgery. But he also explained that it was possible that he might have to cut through my jawbone and replace it with a steel plate. The surgery went fine and there was no cancer and he did not have to cut through my jawbone. We were so relieved and thankful that God had spared me from cancer.

About a month later my oldest son who had just turned five, was having constant sinus infections. The ENT he had been going to for about three years thought Daniel would benefit from a two part sinus surgery. He came through both of those with flying colors and once again all was well with the Mathews family. We never dreamed what would come next.

Fast forward to Father’s Day, June 20. My husband, Carlton, was the Worship Leader at the church we attended, and I played the piano. That morning after the choir had finished, Carlton was going to sing a song dedicated to our small sons. He had only sung a few bars when he suddenly stopped singing and knelt down. The pastor thought he was overcome with emotion but that was not the case. He was in a tremendous amount of pain and could not stand.

We rushed Carlton by ambulance to the local hospital and after blood tests and an ultrasound; an Urologist was called in that told us that Carlton either had an infection or a tumor. Let me say this as polite as possible, we were told he might have the type of cancer that the bicyclist Lance Armstrong had. The doctor was very direct and to the point, he certainly had lost his bedside manner somewhere before he got to us. He told us if Carlton was not better he would be having surgery on Friday morning.

It was a long week filled with a lot of prayer and a lot of fear. Friday morning came and I waited and prayed while Carlton was in surgery believing that God would take care of him. Monday we were back in the Urologist’s office hearing the words we never thought we would hear, Carlton had cancer. We were told they would refer us to an oncologist but we might have to wait a few weeks before they could get us in.

Thank God Carlton’s brother-in-law’s sister worked for one of the top oncologists in our area. We were in his office before the end of the week and had started his treatments the following Monday. Dr. Jones was so wonderful and upbeat and told us this was beatable and Carlton would only have to undergo one week of treatments once a month for three months. He told us the cancer was caught in the very earliest stage.

I would like to say going through this was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. It was very stressful especially having to travel to North Carolina to have a PET scan, but God went before us and everything turned out fine. It very stressful the day Carlton came out of the bathroom with his hands filled with hair that had fallen out. But through it all God took care of us and made the path easy for us. When we look back it seems like it happened to some else, God’s grace was so great in our lives.

When you hear the “C” word fear comes in like a flood, but as it says in Isaiah 59:19b “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” It has been thirteen years this year since it happened and Carlton is still cancer-free. He is still a Worship Leader and he is still praising God for healing him.

By Teresa Mathews - contributor on Overcoming Through Time - With God's Help.

CONGRATULATIONS Teresa and Carlton on your upcoming 25th wedding anniversary!  And thank you Jesus, for curing Carlton!


  1. Allow me to repeat Carrie. Thank You Lord for curing Carlton! Thank you for sharing your story, Teresa. Wow. xxx

  2. It is wonderful to be able to say Carlton is a survivor! God is so good. I am believing with you Sandi for your healing.
    Jeremiah 33:6 "Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth."

  3. I love that verse, Teresa! And thank you for sharing your testimony about Carlton, Teresa, and of your own healing. I pray your upcoming anniversary will be awesome!

  4. Thanks for sharing with us, Teresa! We have a powerful God and I'm so happy that Carlton is cancer-free! What a blessing!
    I pray God will continue blessing you and your family!

  5. Thank you, Teresa, for this wonderful tribute to the faithfulness of God! Of course I bawled my eyes out when I read this; I love you guys sooo much! God is so good! Thank you for that scripture, too, Teresa. I needed that one today! We are so blessed to have such two, dedicated to Christ, worship leaders in our church as Teresa and Carlton.

  6. This is a lovely testimony and blessing to
    me. Thank you Jesus for your healing touch
    For Carlton. I love you guys and so glad
    you are my worship leaders.

  7. You guys are sooo sweet, I am so blessed to have met you Carrie and you too Marian. And Diana, you dear heart, are pricelss to me. My Bobbsey Twin! LOL!

    Most of all I am thankful for the grace that God has shown my family. He is truly our ROCK!

  8. Hi Tina, we love you too. We're so glad the Lord sent us to Abundant Life Assembly.

  9. Our WINNER this week, by usage is NAOMI RAWLINGS! Congrats, Naomi!

    Our big winner was Sandi Rog, spared by God to keep writing more great inspirational stories for us to read and share. God bless you Sandi for sharing and Teresa and Carlton for this testimony! Thanks for the reviews this week, Marian and Diana!

    We pray for a blessed week ahead for our readers.

  10. Congrats, Naomi! I'm reading your book, Sanctuary for a Lady, at this very moment!

    Thank you so much for being such a delightful guest this week, Sandi! I hope we didn't wear you out too much! God bless you in all of your future writing endeavors, and continue to keep you in abundant health!

    And you're so welcome, Carrie!

  11. TERESA thank you for that wonderful verse! So thankful to God that Carlton is cancer free! What a blessing! And thank you, CARRIE. My family is here visiting, and they'd thoroughly agree with you!


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