
15 March 2010

What Has God Called You To Do Today?

Are you so busy you forgot the first thing?


God gets the first fruits and that means our time. When we spend time in study and prayer, the rest of the day seems to go on track. In most areas of the country we can switch on a preaching show to listen to or we can go online, e.g.,, and listen to podcasts. In this day and age we can also download a bible to MP3, or purchase dramatized CDs or cassette, to listen to while making breakfast or driving to work or school.

The Word tells us that our spouses are to receive plenty of our time and attention (and that does not mean plenty of criticism or arguing!). After God, they get the fruits of our labors and our attention. That means we need to save some energy for them during the time that they are away from us. That relationship has to be nurtured and respected. If we are running all over creation doing stuff God may have never called us to do then there will be little left for our husbands and wives.

My prayer for today:

God help me to put you first in my life today and every day. Let me not neglect your Word and time spent with you in prayer and in listening. Make me the spouse you intended me to be and to walk the path you put before me in peace and joy. Amen.



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