
22 December 2018

Nine Year Blog Anniversary

Time sure does pass, doesn't it? We can't stop it. Some things seem to slow time down and others seem to speed it up. But regardless, it passes. Things change.

When I started the blog, I was a psychologist and I wanted to get posts out encouraging people to Overcome (With God's Help) -- Through Time AKA Overcoming Through Time or OTT. That part in parentheses needed to be brought to the forefront, though. I was on my own at first, with only a few people reading my posts. Well, believe it or not, I'm praying about going back to some of the original blog ministry that I intended.

Nine years of posts.
1384 Posts counting this one!
668,100 Pageviews
And LOTS of giveaways!!!

I'll be moving Overcoming With God blog back toward a more advice and encouragement focused blog with posts once or twice a month. My writing ministry is about encouraging others to overcome with God's help. I pray that readers have been blessed by the blog posts over the past nine years! I sure was blessed to have some wonderful reader/reviewers come and spend some seasons on the blog: Diana Flowers, Noela Nancarrow, and Marian Baay as well as Bonnie Roof who has "graduated" to heaven. And kudos to our wonderful poetess, Teresa Mathews, who may yet bless us with some of her poems in the future!

Giveaway: I'll be giving away the winner's choice of my one of my seventeen published inspirational fiction books, released within the past six years, to celebrate the blog anniversary! 

17 December 2018

Peace for Christmas

Peace plaque designed by Rev. Shawn Cartwright, Northside Christian Church
By Carrie Fancett Pagels
Wouldn't that be wonderful if we could have Peace in every heart this Christmas? My pastor, Rev. Larry Jones preached on Peace this past Sunday and he inspired me to write this post. Rev. Shawn Cartwright, our music minister, created that beautiful plaque, pictured above (the coloring is a little off in this image) for Northside Christian Church. I have permission to share the image. In the background are our Advent candles which have been lit every Sunday leading up to Christmas.

In one of my Facebook groups, someone asked "What is something you can't buy for Christmas but would be wonderful?" and I replied "Peace." Peace is such a wonderful gift from God, via His Holy Spirit. When we've experienced it after all else fails in our human attempts to achieve peace, then we know how His wonderful supernatural peace is so amazing and a fabulous gift to us.

This Christmas, as much as is possible, I wish you the gift of human peace and I ask all of us to remember that heavenly Holy Spirit peace is something God can give us when the human efforts fail. And we can count on that.

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